1. Menschen und Charaktere
  2. Filme
  3. Beetlejuice (1988)

Astrid Deetz MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

*Spoilers for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice* Ti: Her world is built on understanding a situation rather than subjective morals. For example, she often uses this framework to estrange emotion for pragmatism, such as offering to have her mother fix the fence. "The fence is broken, I have a rich Mom; therefore I can get her to pay for the damages." Similarly, that craving for understanding is why she incorporates her father's environmental views as a connection since finding like-minded peers will distract her from the pain of him being gone. When analyzing why Adam and Barbra don't exist, she includes these functions in tandem as their "convenient" existence, supporting her theory that Lydia is lying about seeing ghosts. Se: "I believe what I can see." Unlike her mother, Astrid is in sync with her physical surroundings, best illustrated by her inability to see ghosts feeding into her logical framework. This mindset must be in tandem with these surroundings, so she cares deeply about the environment or her father as that search for longing assists her with the companionship she cannot find elsewhere. It is also used to improvise, such as her sporadic choice to leave when insulted about her mother's wedding proposal or navigating lethal traffic. Ni: "When you're all driving carpool and banging your pilates instructors to fill the empty voids in your life, we'll see who gets the last laugh." Because it is a child function, her use of the sensory world or subjective logic forms her ability to handle the subconscious environment. Hence, her ability to realize the loophole through the contract occurs after minutes of processing the situation in that church. Similarly, she will often form a singular vision or objective and use any form of the sensory world in tandem, which feeds into her ability to improvise a solution, such as going for the book after seeing its importance. Her introverted thinking overshadows it, so she uses this function to overcome conflict in the third act or deflect unwanted attention rather than as an active default. Fe: "Whenever Dad is brought up, you always divert the conversation away from him!" Whenever Astrid is under intense stress, she quickly cuts through the social masks of others to achieve her isolation. Her journey throughout the storyline is learning to overcome a fear of companionship and be more mindful of others' feelings in a social setting, hence her heart-to-heart before the church climax. In her opening scene, she uses social harmony at her expense to cut through the cheap laughs to the bullies' immediate silence. Note that unlike inferior extroverted thinking (Te), inferior extroverted feeling (Fe) relies on the social world and maintaining it in response to attacking her subjective logic (Ti) rather than a defense of her subjective values (Fi). Hence, she is only concerned about upsetting or enforcing social harmony when trying to prove a point. Due to being an inferior function, she uses it in intense turmoil, such as mentioning her father, expressing deep wounds, or grieving his loss. As a result, she struggles to understand signs of a healthy or unhealthy social environment, which is why Jeremy can manipulate her so easily.


Lydia’s Daughter
