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Noel Miller MBTI Personality Type

Noel Miller MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Noel Miller? Noel Miller is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sx/sp - 793 in Enneagram, SCUEI in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.

Okay, so I've watched enough of his videos as well as the ones with Cody e.g That's Cringe and their podcasts and I don't see any Se for him to be an ESTP let alone any Ti or Fe. He's very stubborn about his beliefs and when faced with vague concepts, he's vocal about how he finds them weird and disturbing based on how he feels about it, or if he just can't relate to the people in the situation (Fi) his Read With Chat videos show a great deal of Fi. Also, when discussions about serious matters arise, he jumps from topic to topic, and his train of thoughts never really stays in one linear track (Ne) he's sort of all over the place, he also fails to suppress emotions once they bubble beneath the surface and he's very subjective when expressing his opinions (Fi) he also has a deep-rooted fear about becoming 'boring' when he starts to settle down because he can't picture himself being any else but spontaneous (inf Si) only someone with dom Ne would find the thought of doing an online workout concerning. He also doesn't take apart issues on a case-by-case basis as a Ti user would, his thinking function is mostly inclined to stick to the facts than he is about breaking the issue apart and see how the logistics align with his own way of thinking, which I see Cody doing more. He also doesn't feel the need to justify himself when he gives his opinion, it's very straight to the point, almost as if he considers his word law which appears very Te to me. Let's take for example his video with Cody regarding the whole Jake Paul confrontation. It's evident that during the filming of that video, Cody was still quite shaken up from the experience and was going through a Ne-Fe loop where he started to question his own judgment and wondered if he really was being a bad influence to his viewers (looping and his Ti going haywire) and was contemplating that PERHAPS he was bullying the creators he made videos about, etc. Noel clearly saw that and jumped to his defense saying that what they do is actual comedy and that is far from cyberbullying. How Lele Pons' content is a pathetic attempt at comedy (said this without backing it up, even if your Ti is inferior you'd have the common decency to support your claim instead of just outright saying someone else's content is bad) and it's only fair that kids should be able to see both sides of what it 'means' to be a comedian - Lele's version and their version (Fi) in order to gain some sort of critical thinking because that's how he was able to learn from a young age and why he strived to do comedy. It was because of his experiences with actual bullying and being intimidated by people like Jake is why he does the kind of comedy he does now, harmlessly poking fun at others and then yourself (Fi) Even going as far as to say that Jake is being ridiculous when he uses kids to back up his argument and abruptly goes "F*** them kids, kids don't know sh**." completely disregarding his main point about how he had managed to gain critical thinking by watching comedians back when he was a kid and it's only reasonable that comedians like him and Cody exist so that kids who watch Lele and Jake are able to distinguish actual real comedians/creators (his Fi being smug, as well as his tert Te snapping) While Cody was too busy panicking through his own loop and said "Yeah, but that's not to say that you should bully kids." he basically responded with something completely unrelated to what Noel was trying to say and was only focused on not appearing like an a**hole (lack of Ti and again, Ne-Fe loop) But Noel disregards his argument and continues on with his rant, if he were an ESTP, or any type with Ti in their stack, for that matter - he'd have the common decency to clarify his contradiction but he basically continues to call Jake stupid. I don't know about you guys but that entire part alone screamed Ne, Fi, Te, and Si. This type of behavior is also prevalent in almost all of their videos and Ne isn't very hard to miss either with how easily he can jump from topic to topic and make random jokes with what's presented in front of him and Cody, being a Ne dom himself, is able to encourage that and continue the joke like a back and forth banter. So yeah, I'll settle with ENFP.


Noel Miller (born August 19, 1989) is a former Vine star whose comedy videos helped him to more than 100,000 followers. He then turned his attention to YouTube where he continued to make sketch comedy. He later joined the rap group Tiny Meat Gang (TMG).

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