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Natalie Portman type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Natalie Portman? Natalie Portman est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - 152 dans Enneagram, RCOEI dans Big 5, LSI dans Socionics."

I find this peculiar, yet interesting: Natalie Portman tends to try and create a warm/friendly aura, but she usually always comes across as stiff. It's very amusing, because I can relate. I feel so unnatural and strange when I try to act peppy to match the energy of some of my ExFP friends. The comment below mine describes this immaculately. In summary: she attempts to create a bright, entertaining persona, but it is futile because she is most natural when she is serious. Let's thank Te-Fi. We are not the same type, but I find myself doing the same, those functions being shared across INTJs and ISTJs. And though this type tends to fall under the stereotype of "blind robot rule followers", this notion is certainly untrue. Tertiary Fi exists, and it will kick in if a moral is being threatened. I recall during an interview, Natalie was describing veganism, by her refusal to dissect a fish in the sixth grade. Although that is a school-mandated activity, she strongly expressed distaste towards doing it. When something does not sit right with an ISTJ, they have no problem breaking some rules.


Neta-Lee Hershlag, known professionally as Natalie Portman (born June 9, 1981 in Jerusalem, Israel), is an Israeli-American actress, film producer and film director. Her breakout role was Mathilda Lando in The Professional, and the role that raised her profile was Padmé Amidala in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. She has since been nominated for three Academy Awards — one of which she won (Best Actress for her role of Nina in Black Swan). She is married to the French dancer and choreographer Benjamin Millepied. They have two children. Portman has also become part of the growing list of celebrities who own stakes in American soccer teams. In August 2020, she was announced as an investor in a group that was awarded a Los Angeles franchise, later unveiled as Angel City FC, that started play in the National Women's Soccer League in 2022.

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