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  2. literatur
  3. The Witcher (Series)

Geralt Of Rivia tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Geralt Of Rivia? Geralt Of Rivia adalah tipe kepribadian ISTJ di mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 514 di enneagram, RCOEI dalam Big 5, ESI dalam socionics."

i can't believe the ISTP votes this guy was stuck so long in that Si-Fi loop, could never live the moment unless he was with yen by his side please guys tell me how a guy who literally tried to get himself killed after something changed in his life is a Se auxiliar he can't move from what he's used to and that's why his relation with yennefer started failling at first. while she, Ni-Te-Fi was always so focused on her objective of somehow overcoming her lack of fertility and thrist for power he could never leave his own personal code, all his experience and what he was used to believe and think, the way he was raised to be, always completely focused on his work (literally the most ISTJ stereotype) and refusing any change what would take him aways from what he was made to be

