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  3. Voice Acting

Ryan Drummond tipe kepribadian MBTI

Ryan Drummond tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Ryan Drummond? Ryan Drummond adalah tipe kepribadian ISFP di mbti, - - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."


Ryan Drummond (born January 10, 1973 in Lima, Ohio) is an American voice actor, comedian, singer, and actor who is best known for being the first regular English voice actor for Sonic the Hedgehog in the video games. Drummond moved to San Diego, California, in 1996 to pursue his acting career. After playing a character in an educational Lightspan game, Drummond was encouraged to audition for the role of Sonic the Hedgehog. As Drummond describes it, his audition simply consisted of seeing a photo of Sonic and reading a single line in the voice that would come out that character. Shortly thereafter, Drummond was hired. Drummond played Sonic from 1999 to 2004, when he was replaced by Jason Griffith. While he was disappointed he had to give up playing the spiky blue hedgehog, he is on good terms with Griffith, and Griffith's eventually replacement, Roger Craig Smith. Today, Drummond primarily works in theater, but he was able to return to the franchise by playing Sonic in the audio dram

Budaya pop selebriti mirip dengan Ryan Drummond
