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Crowfeather tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Crowfeather? Crowfeather è un tipo di personalità ISTJ in mbti, 6w5 - sx/sp - 638 in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

I want to elaborate more on why I think he is ISTJ and not IxFP. He is def in a loop involving Fi and Si, but it isn't Fi-Si, it's Si-Fi. It's been a while since I read the books but this dude isn't a Fi dom. Yes he's a hopeless romantic and has rejected Clan tradition to follow his heart (which would seem to oppose Si-dom) but he isn't inherently values-focused or emotion-focused. Tbh I'd argue his Fi tendencies come out *after* his loss of Feathertail, where he then got stuck in a teritary Fi loop for a long time, not being able to let go of Feathertail and trying to capture the same feeling with Leafpool. Does anyone see prominent Fi in him in Midnight, or Moonrise before Feathertail died? Personally I don't remember it. After the thing with Leafpool, he goes back to Clan tradition to fit in and be more respected by his Classmates (Si). Has he ever used Fi in a way that was healthy (at least in earlier books, before the AVoS arc)? Also, I really can't see an Fi or Fe dom, not even an unhealthy one, disowning Leafpool and his ThunderClan kits the way he did. That and his unhealthy relationship with Nightcloud and Breezepelt. That seems more like unhealthy xSTJ behavior to me. more in the replies


Letteratura caratteri simili a Crowfeather
