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Varian Wrynn mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Varian Wrynnはどのような性格タイプですか? Varian Wrynnは、ISTJ in MBTI、8w9 - sp/so - 837 in Enneagram、RCOEN in Big 5、SLI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"


Varian Wrynn was the King of Stormwind and High King of the Grand Alliance.[11] During the First War when Varian was a young boy, his father King Llane was murdered and Stormwind was sacked by the Orcish Horde. His guardian and regent Anduin Lothar gathered the survivors and sailed to Lordaeron, where the Alliance of Lordaeron was formed. The Alliance defeated the Horde in the Second War and Stormwind was reclaimed, though at the cost of Lothar's life. Varian was crowned King of Stormwind and stood by King Terenas of Lordaeron as the Alliance began to fracture, but soon faced many internal problems. He was unable to reach a settlement between the Stonemasons who rebuilt Stormwind and the House of Nobles, which led to a riot in which his wife Queen Tiffin was killed. While on a diplomatic mission to Theramore, Varian was abducted by the Defias Brotherhood, formerly the Stonemasons, and went missing.

ビデオゲーム Varian Wrynnに似たキャラクター
