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  3. Twin Peaks

Laura Palmer tipo de personalidade mbti

Laura Palmer tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Laura Palmer? Laura Palmer é um tipo de personalidade ESFP em mbti, 6w7 - sx/so - 648 em enneagram, SLUAI em Big 5, em sociônicos."

Laura on Fire Walk with Me was definitely a 4w3 in my opinion. She liked to sit in her sadness and dark thoughts- that's such a 4 thing. So she's a 4 extrovert I think. She certainly has some 6 in her though. I originally was thinking ENFP because of her randomly spouting off Lynchian poetic ****, but that could just be more due to her trauma, the Ne-like behavior. I can definitely see ESFP. Of any MBTI-Enneagram combination, a 4w3 ESFP would make out with five men in one day and it not faze her. Yes, she was paranoid in Fire Walk with Me , but anyone who has been sexually molested would end up like that. The most notable thing about her personality imo is the fact that she likes to dwell in her own sadness but also reach out to people at moments. She remains aloof, then she reaches out but then pulls away as soon as someone takes her hand to pull her out of her pit of fear and misery. That's a 4w3.

