Ryoba Aishi тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Ryoba Aishi? Ryoba Aishi - это тип личности ENFJ в mbti, 2w3 - sx/sp - 287 в Enneagram, SCOEI в Big 5, EIE в Socionics."

Ryoba is a pretty obvious ENFJ if you look closely. Before, I had doubts about her Fe, like, "But she kills people because SHE wants to, that's what SHE thinks is right. How can she be Fe Dom?" But actually, Fe users can be quite selfish indeed. Starting with YandereDev himself saying that Ryoba was the same as Ayano. Ryoba has never had the opportunity to feel any feelings, however, unlike Ayano, Ryoba has a more "distinctive" personality. After all, how does Ryoba's Fe work? I rewatched some scenes where Ryoba speaks. Ryoba relies heavily on Jokishi's love, such as: "And then... a year ago... I met him. The boy of my dreams is from the same school as me!! But... I'm afraid to talk to him. him... Because I'm afraid of ruining everything... And making him hate me..." Also, in your trial scene: "You know... I think I've finally figured out what's going on here, Mr. Journalist. Your apprentice, Sonoko Sakanoue, became a celebrity after stopping a murderer. You're desperate to name me as a criminal... To be a celebrity too. The only reason we're all in this courtroom... is because you're deeply insecure because your apprentice is more accomplished than you are." Ryoba knows how people are feeling, she analyzes their ways and patterns and comes to know what they feel, even without people saying it directly. "And now... everyone in the country knows my name and my face. And worst of all... they know how I feel about Senpai. Ohhhh this is my worst nightmare! I didn't want him to learn about me that way! I wanted our first date to be special! Perfect! Just like in my dreams! But now, that will never happen. He will never see me as a cute girl who is in love with him." Ryoba focuses MUCH more on her love Jokichi than on herself. Ryoba's Ni is also very visible, she has always been focused on the future, just like her daughter. She kept watching and admiring her Senpai as she planned and imagined her future with him. And for her to have waited for him this long, it's pretty obvious that she's focused on the future, not the present and not the past. "I can't stop looking at him... I'm always imagining my future with him!" Let's say she uses Se to make sure it's okay to act when it's time to eliminate each rival. And she also cultivates an appreciation of aesthetic or physical activities. I'm still trying to find evidence of Ti inferior, but for the moment, that's all. After all, the term "Yandere" belongs more to Ryoba than her daughter.



Видеоигры символы аналогичны Ryoba Aishi
