Snoopy тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Snoopy? Snoopy - это тип личности ENTP в mbti, 7w8 - so/sx - 749 в Enneagram, SCUAI в Big 5, ILE в Socionics."

I don’t think Snoopy is a 7w8, rather a 7w6. I know it’s stereotypical but he is very loyal to Charlie and the other Peanuts (like a dog is loyal to his master/owner) and he is very focused on his relationships with the others, namely Woodstock. He desires security and stability in his life too, which is why he has a routine of doing similar things that he enjoys and finds fun (like pretending he is a pilot while on top of his doghouse). Of course, his 7 dominates his w6 so he is much more pleasure-seeking, fun-loving, mischievous, and positive. TLDR; Like a dog, he is loyal to his owner, hence his w6, and I don’t really see a desire to control his surroundings or have any power, like a 7w8. PS: Also, 7w8s are more focused, serious, and grounded than 7w6, who is more dreamy and idealistic. Just a phenomenon showcasing the difference between 7w6 and 7w8 that I noticed.

