Blair Waldorf тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Blair Waldorf? Blair Waldorf - это тип личности ENTJ в mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - 368 в Enneagram, SLOEN в Big 5, LSE в Socionics."

She is absolutely an ENTJ. I can honestly say nothing is more annoying then people thinking Ni is valid if and only if it is linked to excessive interpretation and symbolism. For MANY ENTJs, Ni is less about symbolism and more about their individual use of interpretation- which aids them in accurate, long term machinating. No, for the billionth time, Ni does not= planning, anyone can f-ing plan. Ni is only associated with strategic planning because it allows someone to see many steps ahead and make predictions, even if there’s no real basis of prediction. Blair might be an absolute ***** sometimes but she sets traps that work. When she is upset about Serena taking her place, it is not that she feels the tradition has been disrupted (Si), it’s that she genuinely wants to be the one in power and believes she is a better leader. I think the few traditions Blair is shown to have on the show are important to her because they’re the only ones she has- not because they’re traditions. Blair doesn’t speak in metaphors or spend her time waxing philosophical, but she reads between the lines when others don’t and applies that insight to her life. Not to mention her Ne would be asphyxiated, were it in her stack. She only considers other options when her one-track plans get sharted on.


Blair Cornelia Waldorf (born November 15, 1991) portrayed by #LeightonMeester, is the daughter of Harold and Eleanor Waldorf, respectively a successful lawyer and fashion designer. Due to her position as queen bee of Manhattan's social scene, Blair's actions and relations are under constant scrutiny from the mysterious Gossip Girl, a popular blogger.

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