Joe Brogie mbti kişilik türü


"Joe Brogie hangi kişilik türü? Joe Brogie, MBTI, - - 'de ESTP kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

I’ve been watching random Voice Actor interviews and got curious about what types people think they are and I was surprised Joe Brogie didn’t have one He is like.... ESTP to the core it mf hurts how ESTP he is Other than the stereotypical stuff like how he literally . Wears. A snapback. In nearly EVERY photograph or video (He did an interview with Faerghast where I swore I was surprised he wasn’t wearing one UNTIL he wore one just as Faerghast put the Sylvain clips on for the quiz portion 💔) also. I frickin died at the Anime Impulse video where he admitted to only listening to like surfer dude music like Fray and Sugar Ray 😭😭😭 i was like “on god. Is this. The walking definition of a late 90s-early 2000s chad” I’m not also about to say that “he’s social therefore he is extrovert” but like. The way he describes things seem less conceptualized (Ne framework) and more physical as in like he says things that he has experienced and tried VS talking about things he wants to do or imagines doing (that is, unless somebody asks) Part of being a magician is also acting, which he admits himself. He enjoys the impact his magic tricks / acting makes on other people and he seems to have like that Fe mentality of doing things in order to get a rile out of other people... My guy legit took pictures of him on a wedding shoot and clarified it was a joke after people have already seen and reacted to it. He seems to also have his own internalized interests like for instance he mentions being a big science geek


Joe Brogie 'a benzer kişiler Pop kültürü
