Lea Michele mbti kişilik türü


"Lea Michele hangi kişilik türü? Lea Michele, MBTI, 3w2 - so/sp - 386 'de ENFJ kişilik türüdür, SLOEI, SLOEI, büyük 5, EIE' dır."

Two Questions haunt me regularly, am I smiling at strangers too much with warm gooey affection? And, will Lea Michele ever eclipse her Glee character comparison? I type her as ENFJ, because I read this: Over the past few years, Michele has been accused by numerous people of bad behavior. ... Michele was also heavily criticized by the Glee fandom after she didn't initially speak out about the death of Naya Rivera, who she reportedly famously feuded with during their time on the show together. And then I read this: “We live in a world of self-deprecation, and while it’s healthy to make fun of ourselves from time to time, it bothers me when I see women of all ages belittling their accomplishments because they don’t want to appear boastful or overconfident. You don’t see a lot of guys out there underplaying their strengths or making light of what they’re good at, so why should women? While I get that there’s a fine line between owning your accomplishments and reciting every line of your résumé, there is absolutely no shame in being proud of what you’ve managed to achieve! Own it!” ― Lea Michele, Brunette Ambition And then I watched this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0 And it just felt identical. In all seriousness, she definitely has auxiliary Ni.


Lea Michele Sarfati (born August 29, 1986) is an American actress, singer and author. She began her career as a child actress on Broadway, appearing in productions of Les Misérables (1995–1996), Ragtime (1997–1999), Fiddler on the Roof (2004–2005), and Spring Awakening (2006–2008). Michele is best known for her role on the FOX Series Glee (2009-2015)

Lea Michele 'a benzer kişiler Pop kültürü
