The Apparat mbti kişilik türü


"The Apparat hangi kişilik türü? The Apparat, MBTI, 6w5 - so/sp - 613 'de ENFJ kişilik türüdür, SCOEN, SCOEN, büyük 5, ' dır."

Typing INFJ because of the Old Wise Man stereotype is totally absurd! This man's whole role was to influence people in believing in his saints and unite them for his dishonorable goals, result of an unhealthy Fe. He also participates at various events in order to assert himself and also - SPOILER ALERT! - gets to ally with Fjerda in secret in RoW just to make it much easier to convince the public opinion. Even when he uses his Ni, he does it especially to rebalance his Fe. In other words, he was just the non-Grisha Feeling version of the Darkling all this time!


The Apparat 'e benzer karakterler Edebiyat
