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Sunaookami Shiroko mbti kişilik türü

Sunaookami Shiroko mbti kişilik türü image


"Sunaookami Shiroko hangi kişilik türü? Sunaookami Shiroko, MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 'de ISTP kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, SLI' dır."

She employs a "TI" oriented cognitive approach rather than a "TE" one in her statements,she's using Subjective logic to justificy her actions, such as "I will shoot the fish because dead fish can't escape" and "It's not a crime if you don't get caught." Furthermore, her intent to engage in bank robbery suggests that she is not a dominant "SI". Instead, she exhibits a preference for seeking physical stimulation through activities like fishing, cycling, and jogging, indicating a predisposition towards "Se" rather than the routine-driven tendencies of "Si."


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