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Yoruichi Shihōin MBTI性格类型

Yoruichi Shihōin MBTI性格类型 image


"Yoruichi Shihōin是什么人格? Yoruichi Shihōin是MBTI中的ESTP人格类型,九型中的7w8 - sp/sx - 873,五大类型中的SCOEN,Socionics中SLE类型。"

Yoruichi is SP8! Yoruichi is guided by lust rather than gluttony. Seeking excess, the thrill, exhibitionism, physical satisfactions, physical activities (like fighting), sensory stimulation and sensory overload. "Passion: Lust Intense, gusto, contact, sensory-motor disposition, passionately in favor of lust/hedonism in life, need to prove themselves/that things deemed "bad" are not that bad, need stimulation/excitement (propensity to boredom), impatient, impulsive, pleasure in fighting for pleasure, pain (of others or of themselves in overcoming obstacles) becomes pleasure when they satisfy their impulses.   Fixation: Rebellion  Revolutionary activists, strongly opposed to authority/traditional education. Living in an oppressive society, rebellion constitutes fighting for what is most natural for one to follow, their own impulsive desires, especially for pleasure.   Defense Mechanism: Counter-introjection Spitting out of bad objects or the transformation of bad objects into good ones. The E8 defends against being called a bad or "immoral" person by reasoning that if following one's desires is "bad," then bad is the new good. Insensitivity, remorseless.   Basic Traits: Punitive, dominant, insensitive, exhibitionist, conning, cynicism, autonomy, sensory-motor dominance." SP8 wiki: ["The SP8 has a drive for the type of life one deserves, their combination of lust with the SP instinct leads them to focus on getting what they need for survival. They are fixated on what they believe will bring them satisfaction of their needs, and they gobble up what they think they need, often at the expense of filling their real needs. The drive for satisfaction leaves little room to figure out what it is that they really require. Their insecurity about survival manifests in dominating and controlling behaviour, often getting the title of the least expressive and the most armed of the three Eight subtypes. Ichazo called SP8 "Satisfactory survival", these people have a drive for the type of life they believe they deserve[1], an excessive selfish insistence on prioritizing their own desries without considering the good of others.[2] Naranjo explained that these people want what they want with excess so much that their egoism loses the counterweight of solidarity.[2]"] SP8 wiki: - ["The most armed of all the E8 is the conservational. The word that corresponds to it is satisfaction: “I have to have it. This is mine. I have to have it." It is more an intolerance of the frustration of what he wants to have than the actual having of it. In this sense, it is somewhat like a characteristic of the sexual E1, who is also obsessed in the desire for him. But an E1 is very different from an E8. E1 is hypersocial, while E8 is completely antisocial. E1 is too concerned with the rules and the other too little. The E8 conservation pursues the satisfaction of your needs. He doesn't usually talk much. It is like the lion. A lion only moves when it is hungry. It seeks to satisfy its unsatisfied hunger and then sleeps for the rest of the day. Very majestically. It's like no nonsense, no words, no puns in a conservation eight. We could say that his need is that of an exaggerated selfishness. They are the people who know how to do business and know how to haggle to get ahead of everyone. There is the expression: a used car salesman. That is the art or the talent of the eight conservation. But it is also his need: he is a survivor, a term that has been used for eights in general, but is more indicative of the conservation eight. He knows how to survive in the most difficult situations. He knows how to get things, how to get away with it."]


Yoruichi Shihōin (四楓院 夜一, Shihōin Yoruichi) is the former captain of the 2nd Division of the Gotei 13, as well as the former commander of the Onmitsukidō. Her Lieutenant was Marenoshin Ōmaeda. Having abandoned her command of both positions, she works with Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi, based in the Urahara Shop out in the Human World. #WendeeLee

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