Kyōko Sakura MBTI性格类型


"Kyōko Sakura是什么人格? Kyōko Sakura是MBTI中的ESTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - sp/sx - 873,五大类型中的SCUEN,Socionics中SLE类型。"

“Kyoko doesn’t use Fe!” please. p l e a s e. understand and grasp and comprehend the fact that- Fe dom/Fe aux... is NOT the same... as Fe tertiary/Fe inferior. Her Fe is NOT going to be as strong or healthy, but it is still very much there. She aims to help her family, her father specifically, Sayaka, Madoka and even Homura, but please also bear in mind that an ESTP that is a core 8 with a 7 wing is going to be very, forceful, for lack of a better word. Not EVERY SINGLE MBTI TYPE THAT CONTAINS FE is this ~~~sweet~~~ and perfect innocent little angel who doesn’t have any values of their own, and not every single mbti type that contains Fi is this ruthless monster that can’t consider anyone else’s feelings. I love Kyoko dearly, btw, second favorite character of the entire show, just in case it seemed like I was bashing her or anything.


Kyoko can be somewhat stubborn and she has a fiery/tomboyish personality. She can be self-centered when she wants to be, though this is just a facade she made to herself and to others. In reality, Kyoko is kind and sympathetic when she sees those who are close to her in trouble. After losing her entire family due to the wish she had made for her father, she promised to never sacrifice herself for others as she believes that it would only end in tragedy. It is thought that she was afraid of getting herself hurt again, as well as the people she cared for the most. Kyoko appeared to be very rude at first, and would often get into fights, almost killing Sayaka during a battle due to her own rage. However she proved she was actually someone with good intentions. Kyoko is initially threatening and vicious towards Sayaka, however this is later because Kyoko has made the same mistake Sayaka had made and is unable to watch her suffer any longer.

类似Kyōko Sakura的动漫角色
