Brent Faiyaz نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Brent Faiyaz؟ Brent Faiyaz هو نوع ISTP في mbti ، 4w3 - sx/sp - 495 في enneagram ، RCUEN في Big 5 ، SLI في Socionics."

Definitely an ISTP. Ti: He's very subjective but from a logical standpoint. When he talks about being an independent artist, he talks about wanting to own all of the work he created and doesn't see the point in signing to a record label when him and his team can just do it themselves. He also seems emotionally detached in interviews but doesn't come off as cold (inferior Fe). Se: Has a great fashion sense (has said he won "best dressed" in High School). He mentioned in an interview that he quickly adapts to new environments and easily finds his way around a new city while on tour. He also has a very down to earth perspective towards life. 4w3: His very authentic towards himself and he's craft and said he does traditional R&B (which shows he wants to stand out from other R&B artists who lean towards "Trapsoul" R&B). Pretty image based as well but from a wing standpoint. Definitely one of my favourite R&B artists. 🔥🔥

سيرة شخصية

Brent Faiyaz (born on 18th September, 1995) is an American R&B artist, who has had several projects released since 2016, under his own name and the group Sonder. He has released two solo albums, "Sonder Son" in 2017 and "F--k the World" in 2020.

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