Don Quixote نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Don Quixote؟ Don Quixote هو نوع ENFP في mbti ، 7w6 - sx/so - 712 في enneagram ، SLUEI في Big 5 ، IEE في Socionics."

"If the word for the social E5 is totem — totemize is a type of super-idealization — here it is rather an idealization of the common: the sexual seven looks at things with the optimism of those who are in love. They say that love is blind. It could be that the sexual seven is blind in the same sense. He is too enthusiastic." (Ichazo's sexual 7 description[1]) Don idealises Limbus Corp, passionately committed to whatever its cause is: in the bleakness of the game's reality she enthusiastically sees honour and righteousness. I'd see some reason behind the e8 arguments if this enthusiasm was directed to her own self, but Don is specifically devoted to a cause she idealises. She is completely oblivious and delusional, giving in easily to temptation (as was in chapter 2 with the pawnbrokers and the gambling machine, which could also be an argument for Ni inf somewhat) and therefore indirectly relying on others to succeed, which is far from an 8's desire for self sufficiency and control of their environment. I could see w8 though, just because w6 doesn't seem right: she never once questions anything she does, and maybe 8's control manifests through her idealisation somehow ?? Would be grateful if anyone explained the w8 in more detail here. EDIT: Coming back to this, w6 actually makes more sense due to the 6's appeal/attraction to authority, compared to the 8's desire for independence 1:

سيرة شخصية

There is no sinner that can outmatch this one's level of passion. An avid aficionada of all things Fixer, she adorns herself with a variety of Fixer-related merchandise. They won't affect her performance in combat one way or another, so there is no need for you to restrict her from keeping her decorations. She is deeply immersed in the role of a righteous Fixer, hence the exaggerated mannerisms akin to those of an actor. (Has such a thing ever existed, really?) It's advised to play along with her for a smooth mission.

ألعاب الفيديو أحرف مشابهة لـ Don Quixote
