Yuki Utashiro نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Yuki Utashiro؟ Yuki Utashiro هو نوع INFP في mbti ، 9w1 - sp/so - 964 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

سيرة شخصية

Utashiro Yuki is a supporting character in Ayakashi Akashi. She is a shy girl who doesn't talk a lot. Much like Haito, she doesn't handle gore well, fainting when Yuki initially sees Rokuro and Kashima's individual bodies. She likes to sleep often and tends to nap during class.

ألعاب الفيديو أحرف مشابهة لـ Yuki Utashiro
