Jordan Green نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Jordan Green؟ Jordan Green هو نوع INFJ في mbti ، 3w2 - so/sp - 315 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، LSE في Socionics."

He's hard for me to determine. He said that he did the OG test (which is flawed) and got INFP/INFJ some times. I'm not an expert at the functions yet but I can def see him as Ni dominant for sure. He always talks about following ones intuition and constantly gets "Aha!" like epiphanies about life or himself, and always does big decisions based by what felt right to his gut instinct even without logical explanation. He was also doing consultations and gave life advice (I assume it is Fe but hell maybe anyone can do so). If we wanna be stereotypical though, he is very INFP like in his poetry and metaphorical way of talking. He often talks and describes his own feelings in a very precise way and is strongly about conveying them in writing and poetry which is very Fi-dom like, but for now I'll lean more onto the INFJ route. Also the ESTP votes are trolls, ain't no way. Edit a year later: I can see him as an INFJ but tbh he is tricky. Many INFJs can actually seem more like P-types and INFPs can seem more like J-types, as the former might follow their gut-instinct to do unexplainable things, while the latter has Si which needs a sense of stability in their actions. Two examples of this, was Jordan's decision to sell everything he had to live in his car, and an irl friend of mine (INFJ) who moved to another country spontaneously. Me personally (INFP) would never do that, as I want a sense of stability due to my Si-preference and I am too cautious for such rash decisions. If we speak based on his videos, he often has a very straight line of reasoning which is unlike the scatterbrained Ne-user, and seems to have a solid internal logical framework about his inner beliefs (Ni-Ti). He uses a lot of Fe-persuasion, caring a lot for the well-being of others and mental health in general. He said that he often wanted to fit in growing up (if I recall correctly, can be wrong), but one thing that's certain is that he is aware and sensitive of societal social expectations. Despite this, he sticks to many personal values like avoiding hook-up culture and taking care of oneself. I can also sense some -Se, but this function is less prioritised, such as his love for hooping, his physical style/image and material things such as clothes and cars, this often being a motivation for him as he used to envision his dream car as his goal. Although, this materialism often lead to him being reckless and losing a lot of money.

سيرة شخصية

YouTube content creator and social media personality known for publishing self-improvement and vegan lifestyle videos on his self-titled channel. He has more than 100,000 subscribers on the platform

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