Lucky the Rabbit نوع شخصية MBTI

Lucky the Rabbit نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Lucky the Rabbit؟ Lucky the Rabbit هو نوع ENTJ في mbti ، 8w7 - sx/sp - 837 في enneagram ، SLOEI في Big 5 ، SLE في Socionics."

I might make a few comments, but regarding Te Dom, think about his zone 1 mechanics. He uses Speed Boost to run right at you when you trigger an alarm, probably the most efficient way to alarm the player and scare them to a point where Lucky can easily obtain an advantage, otherwise keeping his speed boost a secret if you don’t turn back and look at him. He doesn’t have a direct thought process here, since this is a game mechanic of Zone 1. Te Ni is also prominent when he is seen to be the defacto leader within the Joykill Unit. He constantly analyses Doug in both stages of the boss fight, disrupting his moves by hopping towards him (diagonally, mind you, rather than in a set pattern, like Te Si probably would as opposed to Te Ni) His mechanics in Zone 1 can absolutely be considered Se as well, acting based on the current action- i.e, Doug triggering the alarm, using Te to create the quickest path to Doug in the most efficient manner. I suppose his most common death animation, punching the player 12 times in rapid succession (as well as the end cutscene for Mascot Mayhem) is also Se based, seeking thrill rather than efficiency in killing him- he takes pleasure from the adrenaline he gets from punching Doug to death. That’s all I have- I couldn’t see Inf fi, but I need to watch his cutscenes anyway, haha

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