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  2. تاريخي
  3. Historical Figures (1500s)

Margaret of Austria, Governor of Netherlands نوع شخصية MBTI

Margaret of Austria, Governor of Netherlands نوع شخصية MBTI image


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سيرة شخصية

Archduchess Margaret of Austria (German: Margarete von Österreich; French: Marguerite d'Autriche; Spanish:  Margarita de Austria; 10 January 1480 – 1 December 1530) was Governor of the Habsburg Netherlands from 1507 to 1515 and again from 1519 to 1530. She was the first of many female regents in the Netherlands. She was the second child and only daughter of Maximilian of Austria and Mary of Burgundy, once Princess of Asturias and Duchess of Savoy.

تاريخي المشاهير مشابه لـ Margaret of Austria, Governor of Netherlands
