Hopper Croakington II نوع شخصية MBTI

Hopper Croakington II نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Hopper Croakington II؟ Hopper Croakington II هو نوع INFP في mbti ، 5w6 - sx/so - 549 في enneagram ، RLUEI في Big 5 ، ILI في Socionics."

Why E5? I definitely think he's a 4. All his problems come from feelings of lack and deficiency. I get that he's searching for an idealized love, but that's not all that SX5 is. Ichazo called the SX5 "Confidence," "a need for someone to feel safe with, a person of refuge, an excessive demand for trust and to be able to trust and love." Hopper wasn't after trust and refuge. SX5s are distrustful people who isolate themselves, waiting it out for that one special person who will become their refuge. They're very picky with their love interests, wanting a person who will meet all their standards for the "perfect partner." They're not going to go around pursuing and flattering different girls like Hopper does. While he did take a special interest in Briar, this more so had to do with finding her attractive than seeing her as the one special person he longs to find refuge in. He's not looking for a soulmate. He just wants somebody to find him attractive and be interested in him. Naranjo defines avarice in the SX5 as "an invasive possessiveness that demands love and surrender." This doesn't seem like Hopper. His love search seems more rooted in envy than avarice. Because of his curse, he feels like he can't measure up to other boys, and thus he overcompensates. He desires what comes more naturally to his peers: being able to woo a woman and to be loved for who he is. As for his subtype, I see the SO4 shame more than the SX4 hatred or SP4 tenacity. He's ashamed of his curse. It makes him feel inferior and it also makes his life harder. SO4s compare themselves to others, always feel inferior, and experience shame for not living up to social ideals. This sounds a lot like Hopper to me.

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