Raon Miru نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Raon Miru؟ Raon Miru هو نوع ISTP في mbti ، 7w8 - so/sx - في enneagram ، RCUEN في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

I believe Raon is Phlegmatic-Melancholic as I hardly ever see Raon angry aside from seeing Cale be hurt– Though, that's more crying than being angry which makes me believe he definitely has Melancholic in him aside from his past that has left a deep impression on him. Raon is also definitely easy-going and can be calmer in situations as he is a dragon and takes pride in himself so that also makes me think Phlegmatic is more dominant than Melancholic for him aside from the fact that he's living happily with Cale and the rest that I don't see him being depressed and such. I was considering him maybe having Sanguine in him, but you can't erase what he's been through that easily and I've done research on the types and I think Phlegmatic-Melancholic suits him more. I did have second thoughts on my choice of so/sx to suit Raon, but it seems to me that he's less worried about himself and more worried about his family and doesn't have many insecurities about himself since he now has people who are close to him and he trusts them the most and trusts himself as, once again, he is a great and mighty dragon. He seems to value social/personal connection than his own safety and indulges himself with whatever he's hungry for, hence why I put sx in his as well and the fact that dragons are known to live lavishly and take whatever they want. I would like to confirm whether his socionics is ESE or not, but I don't feel like researching that at the moment as it is a more complicated matter to deal with.

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