Assassins' Leader نوع شخصية MBTI

Assassins' Leader نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Assassins' Leader؟ Assassins' Leader هو نوع INTP في mbti ، 8w7 - - 873 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

سيرة شخصية

The unnamed leader of the killers hired by Leonardo Hapoon to kill Olka and Gram Gretcher. For a hit-man that's willing to kill a baby and his mother, he is pretty friendly and laid-back. He makes it very clear that he doesn't want any infighting among the killers, pointing out there is plenty of award money for everybody. He also wants to keep the civilian causalities to a minimum, killing another assassin for daring to suggest that the group should kill every baby and mother on the cruise ship just to be sure they got their target.

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