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Leon Edwards نوع شخصية MBTI

Leon Edwards نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Leon Edwards؟ Leon Edwards هو نوع ISTJ في mbti ، 6w5 - sp/so - 613 في enneagram ، RLOEN في Big 5 ، SLE في Socionics."

I wrote this in response to some people typing him as an Ni dom. Although I think Ni dominants make some of the best and most entertaining fighters I really DO NOT think Edwards values Ni much if at all cognitively. Even his fighting style is built purely on repetition and attention to detail and cognitively he relates everything to a prearranged filter of past experiences. It is almost always what he speaks about in interactions with others. (he likes to compare what is going on in the present with what he has been through constantly) In interviews, he does this thing I noticed strong Si-Fi & Fi-Si users do, when asked a question he really likes to sit over it and ponder it for a little (takes a long pause) as if he's filtering it out through (how does this relate to what i've experienced and how does this relate to my ethics) then answers. Fighting style wise I see a trend of professional fighters with strong Si like Edwards, Mighty Mouse, Zabit, and Gordon Ryan who after fighting for long enough picking up an almost flawless sense of style in terms of the fundamentals of the arts they are disciplined in. For Edwards that would be kickboxing, he literally looks like Tekken character out there with his striking. Better examples of strong Ni users in MMA are GSP, Jiri, and Dominick Cruz who use their amazing pattern recognition skills and creativity to create an individual style that may blend certain aspects of two or more disciplines built to maximize success, production, and the art itself.

سيرة شخصية

Leon Edwards (born 25 August 1991) is a British-Jamaican professional mixed martial artist. who currently competes in the welterweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). A professional competitor since 2011, Edwards formerly competed for BAMMA, where he was the BAMMA Welterweight Champion.

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