Paul Fleischer نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Paul Fleischer؟ Paul Fleischer هو نوع INFJ في mbti ، 4w5 - sx/sp - 461 في enneagram ، RLUEI في Big 5 ، IEI في Socionics."

not sure why he’s been typed primarily as INFP or INTP when his ni/se axis is so apparent? i would argue INTJ or possibly even INFJ because of the strength of his ni (it’s actually ridiculous how much this guy uses that **** like lmfao). fi is definitely more plausible than fe hence why i settled on INTJ but i think it’s up for debate. my first read i was convinced that paul had a strong personal set of morals that guide him through life (more fi inclined), but it’s more plausible to me now that he is simply aware of the existence of general moral codes and that’s why he gets so heated when discussing the results of the milgram study — what’s the point of constructing a moral code in the first place if people are so ultimately powerless that all it takes for the code to be infringed upon is the interference of someone with perceived authority? another argument for INFJ: he always keeps a very detailed account of the emotions he’s observing in julian (fe/se) and ties them to his own internal theories of how/why he’s experiencing that emotion (ni/ti). also the author said he’s INFJ but i don’t think that’s conclusive evidence of anything still typing him as INTJ though for now, he’s so terrible at complying with social norms it feels wrong to put fe in his auxiliary slot lol but he’s also unhealthy af so maybe he just never got a chance to develop it well EDIT: no omg he is an INFJ he just represses that Fe like crazy 😂😂😂

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