Stan Marsh نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Stan Marsh؟ Stan Marsh هو نوع ISFP في mbti ، 9w8 - sp/so - 945 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

i dont even know how to type this dude... he barely had a personality aside from being an annoying edgelord that doesnt give a flying f*** about anything happening around him. no but seriously, hellpark massacred his character. gregory is trying to kill him and hes so... emotionless about it. the actual sp stan wouldve at least been a little freaked out a demon is trying to kill him, especially if said demon was someone he accidentally killed years ago because of a banana peel... i dont know why they're shipped too, because it seems so unhealthy?? same with rebstella.

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