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星界 (SEKAI) نوع شخصية MBTI

星界 (SEKAI) نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية 星界 (SEKAI)؟ 星界 (SEKAI) هو نوع INFJ في mbti ، 5w6 - so/sx - في enneagram ، RCOAI في Big 5 ، EII في Socionics."

looks like an obvious INFJ to me

سيرة شخصية

SEKAI (星界, 音楽的同位体 星界) is a Japanese Song Voice developed and distributed by KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO, and was released for CeVIO AI in April 2022. She is part of the Musical Isotope Series. SEKAI's voice is provided by the virtual singer, Isekaijoucho.
