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Raven نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Raven؟ Raven هو نوع INTJ في mbti ، 5w6 - sp/sx - 548 في enneagram ، RLOEI في Big 5 ، ILI في Socionics."

ravens are, behaviorally, big into plans. they are also very sedentary and do not typically try out new things, or veer from what they plan. same nest spots, same mates, same hunting routines. though not totally unadaptable, ravens are very future and goal focused which speaks of dom Ni traits! they are also much more independent and introverted in general than their crow cousins! ravens are stressed by social groups and living this way rarely benefits them, whereas crows thrive off being in groups because it helps to boost their Fe awareness! ravens favor pair bonds and are less likely to befriend animals outside their species voluntarily!! ravens are not just intense in folklore but studies show they are intense in behavior, too! the common raven uses intimidation tactics or jarring, loud signals to ward off threats. when upset, rather than shrug if off or leave in the way crows often would, ravens instead give a LOT of push back. hawks and humans are simply problems to be dealt with lol tbh considering the shadow type of INTJ is ENTP, it makes a lot of sense why these birds get mistyped as that. ravens and crows are two sides of the same coin!

سيرة شخصية

A raven is any of several larger-bodied bird species of the genus Corvus. These species do not form a single taxonomic group within the genus. There is no consistent distinction between "crows" and "ravens", and these appellations have been assigned to different species chiefly on the basis of their size. However, some specific species of crows and ravens (such as the Common Raven, C. corax, and the American Crow, C. brachyrhynchos) are distinguishable by various traits such as call, tail shape, and behavior.
