Jupiter نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Jupiter؟ Jupiter هو نوع ENFP في mbti ، 7w8 - so/sx - 792 في enneagram ، SCUAI في Big 5 ، EIE في Socionics."

Unusual appearance, a bunch of different tornadoes, patterns, lightning and all sorts of different phenomena in general - absolutely Ne dom. Protecting the Earth, quite stable in terms of its stable rules (for example, protecting the earth with oneself) speaks of personal values - Fi Aux And then there is no point in explaining .. although ... Disorganized Leader? - Те tertiary Many satellites and various hobbies (violent phenomena occurring on the planet) - talking about the opposite Si dom -- soo Si Inferior That's all!

سيرة شخصية

The largest of them all, and thus fittingly named after the Roman God of Gods. Of course, the Romans named it that long before they had any idea just how big it was. Jupiter is vast, often referred to as a "failed brown dwarf" and while not as dense as Earth, it has a magnetic field some 20,000 times stronger than our world does. Jupiter is... odd, and by extension makes our solar system unusual. Gas giants have the tendency to migrate inwards towards their stars, becoming "hot jupiters". This happened in our system, and it would have come in like a wrecking ball... until the formation of Saturn. Saturn pulled Jupiter outwards, allowing the rocky terrestrial worlds to form. Jupiter has been described as a cosmic vacuum protecting us from comets and other asteroids that would otherwise obliterate all life on Earth.
