Uranus نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Uranus؟ Uranus هو نوع ENTP في mbti ، 7w8 - sx/so - 749 في enneagram ، SCUEI في Big 5 ، ILE في Socionics."

Funny Uranus jokes and memes aside lol, Uranus in astrology actually represents rebelliousness, revolution, mill, and the ability to break with limitations and resurface with a new sense of freedom. In Astrology, Uranus is related to society, the good of all, technology, and machinery. It's the planet of breakthroughs, and those triggering events you don't expect. And as the higher octave of Mercury, it relates to the genius streak of the mind. “When Uranus makes a transit to any planet in your birth chart, that planet gets whooped upside the head. You're in for some cosmic surprises. Sometimes it's liberating, and other times you're thrown into utter chaos. If you've coasted along with a mild discontent, Uranus' visit amps it up to the next level. For example, perhaps you've been miserable in your job. Uranus comes along and you get fired -- you might be shocked, but now you've got the chance to change course.” Wild Ne energy ngl

سيرة شخصية

It had been detected by astronomers as early as 1690, but Sir William Herschell actually identified it as a planet in 1789. It is named after the Greek god of the sky. It's 4 times the diameter of the Earth, which is still less than half the diameter of Jupiter. Seen as minty green in color observed from Earth by early telescopes, close-up observation showed it's more pale blue. It's denser than Jupiter and Saturn with a higher proportion of methane, ammonia and water. Uranus is even colder than Neptune. Voyager 2 passed by it in 1986 and observed few distinct clouds, but later observations from Earth have revealed more. It has a set of coal-black rings (discovered in 1977) and is tilted 98 degrees on its axis—each pole spends 42 years in light and 42 in darkness. Scientists have reason to believe it's on its unique side-ways tilt due to a massive impact that depleted its internal core temperature. Also known for being the planet which the Enterprise circles while wiping out Klingons.
