Paula Abdul نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Paula Abdul؟ Paula Abdul هو نوع ESFJ في mbti ، 9w8 - sx/sp - 947 في enneagram ، SCUAI في Big 5 ، SEE في Socionics."

宝拉在《美国偶像》节目当中做评委的环节当中,每次给分都是最留情的一位,这充分体现了2号的温和、友善的一面。 此外,无论是在真人秀综艺节目之中,还是日常生活之中,宝拉对行为举止和处事方式都非常符合2号的特点。宝拉并不是因为害怕得罪人,而是她想通过与人为善的方式表达和传递她的爱心并帮助更多人,而且不主动求他人回报。宝拉曾经是一名舞蹈编排家,她热爱舞蹈,并在舞蹈有关的事业中更好地享受帮助和服务他人带来的快乐。

سيرة شخصية

Paula Julie Abdul (born June 19, 1962) is a former cheerleader, pop singer, record producer, dancer, choreographer, actor and television personality. Famous for her dancing skills and unique videos in the late eighties and early nineties, she got two multi-platinum albums, six number one hits on the Billboard top 100, and won a Grammy for her choreography. However her career sank after battling an eating disorder and having a long string of professional and personal struggles. In 2002 she became a judge on American Idol alongside Randy Jackson and Simon Cowell. She's famous for being The Heart of the judges, finding something positive to say about even the worst of performances. Because of her... quirky mannerisms, people speculate when she's drunk. After eight years of judging, she decided to move on and was replaced by Ellen DeGeneres. She reunited with Simon for the US version of The X Factor in 2011, alongside Nicole Scherzinger and L.A. Reid.

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