Grian نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Grian؟ Grian هو نوع ENTP في mbti ، 6w7 - sp/so - 693 في enneagram ، SCUAI في Big 5 ، ILE في Socionics."

I don't think I've ever been able to identify Ti, but he definitely strikes me as an Fe user. At first I considered ENFJ, but after reading these comments he is very Ne-Fe lol. He's slightly more sensitive and shy than your stereotypical NT type, and seems to be very in tune with his Fe, so that's probably why a lot of people think he's ENFP. Along with the fact that he's terrible with redstone, but I think that probably proves the Ti over Te logic. Anywho, I always love his build ideas and how creative he is with them :)

سيرة شخصية

Charles (born: August 9, 1993 (1993-08-09) [age 28]), better known online as Grian, is a British YouTube gamer who makes Minecraft building tutorials, plays Minecraft minigames and is a part of the popular HermitCraft server.
