Akagi Shigeru نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Akagi Shigeru؟ Akagi Shigeru هو نوع INTJ في mbti ، 5w4 - sx/sp - 584 في enneagram ، RCUEI في Big 5 ، ILI في Socionics."

Akagi is like, a stereotypical Ni-dom. He identifies and follows patterns extraordinarily quickly, putting a lot of stock in his gut and in the unknown, in the subconscious. He's extremely insightful, always looking deeper than the surface, and he backs up his insight with concrete facts and linear, explainable logic after the fact. He also is a definite Fi-user rather than even an inferior Fe-user. A major part of Akagi's arc in both Akagi and Ten is his search for someone who he can understand at least a little, someone on his level, an intellectual and philosophical equal. In Akagi, he tires of the people around him as they fail to understand what drives him, and ultimately brushes off the idea of having friends because of this. However, in the end, in Ten, he finds true companionship. Identity is important to Akagi, too. He certainly has a strong 8 fix (the guy is rebellious, uncontrollable, forceful), but he's way more Type 5. Rather than survival, Akagi is out to witness and observe reality. He seeks connection, he seeks greater understanding, and he dwells on what it means to be himself. And in the end, he chooses to die as himself rather than lose his intellect, his rationale, his understanding, and most importantly, the intangible aspects of his being that make him who he is.

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