Samurai نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Samurai؟ Samurai هو نوع ISTJ في mbti ، 1w9 - sp/sx - 163 في enneagram ، RCOAI في Big 5 ، LSI في Socionics."

Not seeing much Ne for samurai really... but heavily Si and definitely Fi based on the core principles of being a samurai. If anyone has an Ni argument they're willing to share I'd be glad to hear it... or Ne for that matter.

سيرة شخصية

Other Names: Yojimbo, Kensai, Weapon Master. Samurai wear less armor than regular Fighters, which leads them with less defensive abilities. In general, they commonly have access to Ki Attacks, higher damage, and higher speed and mobility. Generally restricted to Asian settings. Because Yojimbo are mercenaries, they may be literally able to spend money to deal more damage.
