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Dale Wilson (LTG) نوع شخصية MBTI

Dale Wilson (LTG) نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Dale Wilson (LTG)؟ Dale Wilson (LTG) هو نوع ENTJ في mbti ، 3w4 - so/sx - 386 في enneagram ، SLUEN في Big 5 ، SLE في Socionics."

I just so fail to understand how you can type an 8 core as a 3 core. His image is not his first priority. Him being in control is. He's an 8 with a very strong 3 fix + that Te drive to excel in life. Compare him to a real 3 core which comes across as an 8, such as Tyler1. You will see that Tyler1 on stream is just a 'tough alpha male' persona when you contrast that with his real self at twitch-con, being 'normal' & mild. But with LTG... it's a different story. His character is CONSISTENT. He is like IRL like how he is on stream. Therefore, he is an 8 core, not a 3 core in the slightest, 3 cores prioritize their image above all else. He doesn't do that. He will gladly yell at his viewers to get a point across that he felt like should be heard for their own good (Te-Ni) and to relieve a need of his to point out the thing he did not like or appreciate in his environment/domain (8 Core), to feel completely in control. I don't understand so/sx over sx/so either. Well, maybe that's voted like that because people were under the false assumption of him being a 3 core. Either way, he's an obvious Sexual 8 with how he has zero problems with going against the grain and just has so much intensity to him, and yes, 8's with low or no sx lack that ferocity which 8's that DO have sx. So IMO, he's an obvious sx/so 8w7 ENTJ SLE. 837 > 836. Aggressive, but smooth (7). More of an 'Empire builder' rather than a 'justice fighter'.

سيرة شخصية

Low Tier God
