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Víðarr نوع شخصية MBTI

Víðarr نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Víðarr؟ Víðarr هو نوع ISTP في mbti ، - - 873 في enneagram ، RCOEI في Big 5 ، SLI في Socionics."

Survivor of Ragnarök. Ti - Spent his entire life in solidarity state. Se - He killed Fenrir alone with his Sword, Shield and most importantly the shoes. Ni - Great source of his survival instinct. Fe - avenging his father and saving the world from Ragnarök.

سيرة شخصية

Vidar, a son of Odin, is a stoic bastion of strength for the Aesir in times of need. He speaks only when he must, and then he uses as few words as possible. Though not a sociable god, his hate of evil is strong, and when the Aesir don't need him, he combats it in his own way. Vidar's notable mainly in that he's one of the few Norse deities destined to survive Ragnarok. 'Course, some folks'd say he's best known for his unusual (but potent) weapon: his mighty iron shoe. It sounds crazy, but it's true. Any being, no matter how forceful or godlike, is at Vidar's mercy when pinned under his shoe, completely helpless until Vidar chooses to free them. Good thing, then, that Vidar uses his incredible strength to smite evil. But he doesn't revel in the companionship of combat as much as some of the other Norse gods do. He stays in his hall, Vidi, and keeps to himself as much as possible. Vidar speaks only when necessary, and even then uses as few words as he can. He doesn't ride on many crusades, but he fights for the Aesir when asked. Generally, the rest of the pantheon allows Vidar his freedom, which gives him time to pursue his favorite hobby, giant slaying.

دِين المشاهير مشابه لـ Víðarr
