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  3. Biblical Figures

Esther (Hadassa bat Avihail) نوع شخصية MBTI

Esther (Hadassa bat Avihail) نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Esther (Hadassa bat Avihail)؟ Esther (Hadassa bat Avihail) هو نوع INFJ في mbti ، 6w5 - so/sx - 692 في enneagram ، RCOAI في Big 5 ، EII في Socionics."

what an icon I love her sm

سيرة شخصية

Esther is described in all versions of the Book of Esther as the Jewish queen of a Persian king Ahasuerus. In the narrative, Ahasuerus seeks a new wife after his queen, Vashti, refuses to obey him, and Esther is chosen for her beauty. The king's chief adviser, Haman, is offended by Esther's cousin and guardian, Mordecai, and gets permission from the king to have all the Jews in the kingdom killed. Esther foils the plan, and wins permission from the king for the Jews to kill their enemies, and they do so. Her story provides a traditional background for Purim, which is celebrated on the date given in the story for when Haman's order was to go into effect, which is the same day that the Jews killed their enemies after the plan was reversed.

دِين المشاهير مشابه لـ Esther (Hadassa bat Avihail)
