Teal Swan نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Teal Swan؟ Teal Swan هو نوع INTJ في mbti ، 5w4 - sx/so - 514 في enneagram ، RCOEI في Big 5 ، IEI في Socionics."

My previous take was very dumb and it was before i found socionics. So, LII ( lets type her mbti as INTj just for the stereotype of it though ); as a LII ( and autistic logic based person ) myself, shes the only person who i can take advice from. Quite literally the only one who will explain emotional things in a way that WILL MAKE SENSE. I know this isnt and objective analysis, it is just my subjective perception on what i am, what LII is, and what teal is. 4 (could be 3 or 5 equally); If you are interested in the ONLY objective analysis ive watched of teals career and content, go watch lindseymakesvideos, video is called teal swan is not a con artist. Lindsay is the only one who was objective. Everyone else either thinks teal is an evil witch or the reincarnation of jesus. Given that this video portrays her in the most accurate way ive seen so far, if you watch it, its undeniable that shes a 4. Again, im a 4 too, and its no coincidence that i relate so much. The dilemma is whether shes w3 or 5, although i dont know how i feel about wings in general. Again, like myself, teal has a way of presenting herself as superior. With grandiosity and a very glamourised appearance. She seperates herself on the basis that shes different, as a typical 4 does, but its often accompanied by a sort of status based competitiveness. Not to mention how defensive she gets when people question her methods. She undoubtedly has a weird relationship to how people see her and really wants to control that. HOWEVER. She is very “intellectual”, for a lack of a better word. And i dont mean smart, but rather, information-hungry, if you can say that. And her teachings are based a lot on practicality and logic in an organised way that seems almost unattached to the feeling factor. Finally, its safe to say that shes a social four, since her whole career is based on sharing pain with others in a way to alleviate it sometimes, too. Its hard for me to see her not fitting one of the variants, but she is too level headed and cold to be a sexual four. I might even go as far to guess that she has a problem with being openly emotional, like i do. So my verdict is SO/SP or SP/SO ( could be sp dom too considering shes doesnt really look like a four upon first glance ). And for the tritype she is OF COURSE a 451, and im not even gonna entertain any other possibility.

سيرة شخصية

Teal Swan (born June 16, 1984) is an American spiritual writer and social media personality who is known for her speaking career. She runs a self-titled YouTube channel, where she posts spiritual reflection and advice videos.

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