Professor Hojo نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Professor Hojo؟ Professor Hojo هو نوع ENTP في mbti ، 5w4 - sx/so - 538 في enneagram ، SCUEI في Big 5 ، ILE في Socionics."

I'm a bit perplexed about his current attitudinal psyche (EFLV). Don Corneo is actually typed the same type. I know 4V and 1E doesn't mean good and passive person, but both Hojo and Don Corneo appreciate not only to do exclusively what they want (which has more to do with E7 than with vollition), but above everything to exerce a domeenering power on other people for his pleasure, so I'm not convinced by 4V. Still, what surprises me the most is 1E because the emotionnal aspects is about reactions, moods, affect, tone, expressions, imagination, associations, bonds, relationships, morals, and passion. While Corneo is kind of focus on (a very personal approach of) relationships, passion, tone or mood, Hojo is unconcerned as hell by all those things and morals in particular, except emotionnal reactions coming from his experimental subject. But delighting seeing the suffering of other people is completely revolting. I doubt this could be 1E, I more see this as 4E. Instead, I think Hojo is 1L. Despite Hojo has a very odd and subjective apprpach of science, he is very certain about his mind, logic, conclusions, and gives his opinion to other Shinra members without restraint. I agree with 2F however, since Hojo experiments much with physical matter. His experiences are very... yuck, though. He reminds me of a certain nazi scientist. Lastly, I would see 3V because under his appearance of "humble scientist", he has a secret glutonny for power, his goal was thoughout the game to acquire the power of a god. I assume his volition is relatively weak, because he more seeks self-enjoyment, than actually dealing with things such as purpose or responsibility. At least, it seems weaker than his Physics or Logic. The previous point also make me think he is a sp/sx 7w8 instead of E5. However, I have no doubts on his alignment or his Big Five.

سيرة شخصية

Professor Hojo (宝条博士, Hōjō Hakase?) is a major character in the Final Fantasy VII series. He is a secondary antagonist in Final Fantasy VII, and the main antagonist of Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-. He also appears in Final Fantasy VII Remake and Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. Hojo is the main mastermind behind SOLDIER and the Jenova Project, and initially heads the Shinra Electric Power Company's Science Research Division. Hojo is the archetypal mad scientist who does not care about the well-being of others when he puts his hypotheses and theories to the test. He is arrogant and condescending, referring to people as "test subjects" and not bothering to learn their names unless, like Sephiroth, they prove exceptional. Hojo's only desire is the pursuit of science and understanding of the planet, willing to go to any lengths to further his knowledge. Hojo performs many horrific experiments on unwilling human subjects with no regard for their welfare. #CompleteMonster

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