Sasaki Kojirō نوع شخصية MBTI

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"ما نوع الشخصية Sasaki Kojirō؟ Sasaki Kojirō هو نوع ISFP في mbti ، 7w8 - sp/sx - 784 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

1. Introverted - While he can't talk, he isn't very sociable unless it regards his interest such as the way of the sword like most introverts. He would only socialize for duels, much like Musashi and one night stands. 2. Fi Dom - He is the most impulsive character when it comes to duels and anything sword related in Vagabond. He would jump into almost all fights without even the slightest hint of hesitation and not even letting the opponent prepare or know he wants to fight, he just attacks the moment he sees a guy with a sword. The only time he stopped was when it was Musashi out of respect the first time they met, bored of unworthy opponents, and when Matahachi begged. Even unworthy opponents if they attack him, he kills them with no hesitation. Musashi would sometimes just knock them out or make them surrender and Kojiro never does that except one time when the number one martial artist attacked him and he did it out of his disinterest. One time though, out of all the fights he had. 3. Se Aux - Rather than reflective or curious in knowledge as an ENTP, he seems to be more drawn by the situation and practical experience. Of course he is deaf, but he does not pursue the attainment of knowledge and is intrigued more on situational experience. One night stands, duels, and the Way of the Sword is all he got. An ENTP/INTP should at least try writing, reading or communicate with these swordsmen. He is not extroverted or curious at all about their philosophy, personal take or even experience on the Way of the Sword unliike Musashi as ISTP and Ti Dom.

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