Lady Jane Grey نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Lady Jane Grey؟ Lady Jane Grey هو نوع INTP في mbti ، 5w4 - sp/sx - 594 في enneagram ، RCUAI في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

Have read her biography. Be sure that she is INTP 5.

سيرة شخصية

There seems to be an assumption that Jane was rather weak and easily coerced into the events of 1553. While it's true that she didn't have any part in the plans to install her on the throne, it is foolish to consider her weak. Northumberland's plan had been to have Guildford Dudley rule as king, but Jane refused to grant him that title, instead assigning him a duke. It was Jane who insisted that her father-in-law, the guy who got her into this mess and one of the best soldiers in the kingdom, be the one who got in front of the army and bring Mary in. When some of the council began changing sides and fleeing the Tower of London to go help Mary, Jane took control of the castle's keys personally. She was also incredibly intelligent, with schooling better than her cousins Mary and Elizabeth. She spoke several languages, and was a skilled letter writer. The signs were there that she would have been a competent, if pious, monarch. Before the end, she had even begun to sign documents as "Jane the Quene"

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