Deidara نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Deidara؟ Deidara هو نوع ESFP في mbti ، 4w3 - sx/so - 478 في enneagram ، SLUEI في Big 5 ، SEE في Socionics."

Se-dom) - “My man Sasori is going to yell at me again for not being prepared. What can I say? Planning out every little insignificant detail ahead of time just isn’t my style. I prefer to stay flexible dealing with unexpected situations. Developing that kind of sophisticated mindset is the mark of a true artist.” - “But my art goes far beyond this as well. My pieces are versatile. While they hold shape, they are merely objects. But they can also explode, and when it does explode, it makes its existence more sublime, and it finally comes fully into it’s own. I feel that true art lives only in that flash of sublimation. True art is an explosion!” - “What’s taking them? I wish they would just hurry up and get in here!” - “Don’t be absurd. True art only lasts a moment.” Deidara appears to be an Se dominant. He believes that true art merely lasts a moment, which speaks to the very nature of Se, living and existing purely in the present moment. He also calls art an explosion and a flash, all of which would easily appeal to a high Se user. He would rather create one sudden explosion of “art”, then to patiently create and fine tune something over time. This overwhelming desire for immediacy suggests dominant Se, rather than auxiliary. Deidara enjoys the heat of battle and lives for it, the concrete sensations, the concrete enjoyment. Deidara is prone to figuring things out as he goes. He prefers to remain flexible, and has no problem dealing with unexpected situations. Sasori is constantly deriding him for being late or unprepared. A good example can be seen during the battle against Gaara when Deidara brings a very limited amount of detonation clay with him. Deidara just assumes that he’ll be good enough to deal with everything as it comes. His flexibility extends to his tendency to just go along with whatever Sasori says. Aside from his art-related values, Deidara is relatively laid back, and shrugs off most of Sasori’s blunt or angry remarks.

سيرة شخصية

مصورات الرسوم المتحركه اليابانيه أحرف مشابهة لـ Deidara
