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Paul the Apostle نوع شخصية MBTI

Paul the Apostle نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Paul the Apostle؟ Paul the Apostle هو نوع ENTJ في mbti ، 1w9 - so/sp - 162 في enneagram ، SLOEI في Big 5 ، LSI في Socionics."

I thought ENTP at first, because being all things to all people implies Ne hero. but it could equally be ENTJ, with Ne as critical parent. the way i told them apart was that Paul clearly had aux Ni, he was focused on spreading the good news. if Ni was nemesis it would be difficult to do this. many people say that when he was gay bashing it was tongue in cheek and a parody of the old law, which he clearly rejected elsewhere in his writings, so Si trickster also makes sense. but if he seriously hated gays and lesbians as most Christians assume he did, ESTJ with aux Si makes more sense (but then that would mean Ni trickster, possibly making him a false prophet; and the false prophet of revelation is an unhealthy ESTJ, so I seriously doubt this). I have mixed feelings about him due to the apparently misogynistic and anti LGBT passages, but if I actually knew him, I'd probably think he's kinda cool. but wow does he have a personality! St. Paul, pray for us 🙏

سيرة شخصية

Paul the Apostle, commonly known as Saint Paul and also known by his Hebrew name Saul of Tarsus, was a Christian apostle (although not one of the Twelve Apostles) who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. Generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age, he founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and Europe from the mid-30s to the mid-50s AD.
