Anthy Himemiya نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Anthy Himemiya؟ Anthy Himemiya هو نوع INFJ في mbti ، 9w1 - sx/so - 926 في enneagram ، RCOAN في Big 5 ، SEI في Socionics."

legitimate question: why is she a 9? i think it’s the most straightforward type, because she is so superficially complacent... but as the show progresses this is revealed to be more and more of a mask. let’s be honest, anthy was a primary instigator in almost all of the conflicts at ohtori.. and while it could be argued that this was merely a means of avoiding rocking the boat with akio- she STILL causes problems just for the sake of doing it (naming her animals after nanami... turning nanami into a cow.. “saionji....classmate :)”.. anthys fears and motivations don’t seem to be on the basis of fearing conflict, as much as they do fear of losing the feeling of familiarity and security she has with akio. moreover childhood is something to be considered when we deal with enneagram, as a child anthy faced the swords of hatred head on- seemingly unafraid of the hatred she was getting ready to endure... I don’t doubt that 9 is probably in her tritype or something somewhere... it just feels like 9 is merely a pose anthy puts on in order to fuel conflict, which sort of cancels everything out. her loyalty to akio, general suspicion to others, and general tendency to let others set the agenda strikes me as very 6ish... take these two quotes i found while reading about the 6 “...Sixes come to believe that they do not possess the internal resources to handle life’s challenges and vagaries alone, and so increasingly rely on structures, allies, beliefs, and supports outside themselves for guidance to survive. If suitable structures do not exist, they will help create and maintain them.“ and “As a child, the Six may have grown up in an unsafe environment, had overprotective guardians, or experienced a traumatic event that shaped their worldview. This type sees the world as a place of danger — anything or anyone outside of the Six’s circle of trust is a potential threat.“... both of which sort of encapsulate anthys relationship with ohtori (and by extension akio) and why she struggled to leave it in spite of it being what ultimately holds her prisoner to all of the vile things she experiences. all that said, I still don’t know that 6 fits her super well either there are still many flaws there.. I guess I just wanted to hear other thoughts on the issue! anthys such a fun character

سيرة شخصية

Anthy Himemiya is a major character in the series. She is considered stoic, easygoing, obedient and even a doormat because of her inability to say "no". She gives off the appearance of being easily manipulated and to a degree she is, however a portion of this is simply a mask to hide a darker and more sinister side of her personality. She is more intelligent than she seems.

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