Ferris Bueller نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Ferris Bueller؟ Ferris Bueller هو نوع ENTP في mbti ، 7w8 - sp/so - 739 في enneagram ، SCUEI في Big 5 ، ILE في Socionics."

why not Chaotic Evil? He lies to his parents and principles to get out of school. He humiliates his principal by using his friend to lie about a dead relative in order to get his girlfriend out of school. He convinces his friend to take his father's car for a drive, knowing full well how obsessed his friend's father is with this car. He lies about being on a reservation to get into a nice restaurant and humiliates the host. He made his friend freak out and almost drown in a swimming pool. He hits on two hot girls right after having a romantic moment with his girlfriend, demonstrating that he doesn't really care about love. He makes his parents believe that he is a saint even after committing countless crimes hidden from them. Now I ask, how do you not realize that Ferris Bueller is by far one of the greatest sociopaths in cinema?

سيرة شخصية

Ferris Bueller is the main protagonist in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. He is friends with Cameron Frye and the boyfriend of Sloane Peterson. He has been absent nine times. He asked for a car but got a computer, apparently being born under a bad sign. He plays the clarinet, even though he's never had one lesson. He has to bum rides off of people because he doesn't even have a piece of tin (per the broadcast TV version of the movie). He is eighteen but now somewhere in his fifties. He is played by Matthew Broderick. He is incredibly caring, and even though he has his flaws, like getting too ahead of himself and forgetting the needs of others. However, after his best friend Cameron Frye is presumed catatonic, it is clear that he rethinks his ways. Even though he was never truly punished for his 'day off,' it is clear through facial expressions and subtext that he learns the error of his ways. This is especially evident with the repaired relationship with his twin sister, Jeanie Bueller.

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