Hanyū نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Hanyū؟ Hanyū هو نوع ISFJ في mbti ، 9w1 - sx/sp - 962 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، EII في Socionics."

Fi-dom? Really? She had fear to act for one hundred years and thousand worlds, because three things: 1-She is afraid that the others could reject her because she has horns, don't act because the fear of rejection it's totally a Fe thing.Imature Fe-users, normally, has fear of being rejected or ignored by others, so if a insecure Fe-user feels that some action can be criticized by others, that Fe-user wil prefer not act at all, even with a strong desire to act This desire of approval it's much more a immature Fe-thing than a Fi thing. Fi would be "well, it doesn't matter if the others disaprove, i must be faithful with my desires, and i want to act, so i will act independent if someone will reject me". So she is a Fe-user, all this thing it's a Fe-dom our Fe-aux thing guys, as a Fe-dom myself, i can say that. Not just that, but you can see Fe in her just by the way she interacts with others, she is always reluctant to say what she thinks because others can feel sad, pretty much Fe. 2- She has fear of being disappointed. She thinks that if she will fail anyway, it's better to not even try, because deception can be a painful thing. But that it's not associated to a function, so... 3-She has fear to act in new contexts or environments. It's pretty much a Si thing. The way she internalizes her experiences, her values, her sensations, and use past pains(like the pain of deception) as reference to act(in her case, to not act) in the present, it's also a Si thing.

سيرة شخصية

The mysterious "transfer student" in Matsuribayashi-hen. She has appeared to Rika all her life, but only in Matsuribayashi-hen does she choose to interact with others. She is very meek and often makes the noise "Au au au" when she is nervous or uncomfortable.

ألعاب الفيديو أحرف مشابهة لـ Hanyū
