Louis de Pointe du Lac نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Louis de Pointe du Lac؟ Louis de Pointe du Lac هو نوع INFP في mbti ، - sp/sx - 459 في enneagram ، RLUAI في Big 5 ، SEI في Socionics."

I think him being 5w4 fits very well his biggest beef with Lestat was that he did not teach him the information that Louis wanted so that he could know and be competent on his own/find a meaning to his life. The reason he starts forgiving Lestat is because he was not allowed to tell him. I think in the book in his interactions he is more distant(except it is about a meaning/knowledge), less whiny and more obsessed with getting the information right in his telling. Hie gets into a relationship with Armand in the hopes of he could give him the secret knowledges that would make his life meaningful and once Armand cannot he falls into the intellectual emptiness again and even mentions he hated Lestat for the wrong reasons as there was nothing to know (in IWTV he thinks that way before Lestat writes TVL and we realize there is indeed something to know) which shows that the most important thing for him to drive him to hate Lestat was not as much him not letting Louis be an individual but more about the knowledge he kept. I can also see him trying to find more see in him percieving reality in personal lenses, unshakable ideals and seeing the world less objectively contrasts shows his Si which hugely contrasts Lestat’s Se in their whole ideology which is why they clash a lot. Also Si is more orderly, methodical in its aproach which makes sense since Louis has a part he mentions he wanted to take his time getting to humans starting with small animals to understand the vampirism well in one part of the book. Which also is hella e5. As it seems obvious to everyone than he is Fi dom I think it is safe to say he is an INFP who might still be IF(S) in Jungian as I think he might be jumping to Si more (which might be more analytical approach of e5) (or he is just in a loop) but as mbti I thing he is INFP and even uses Ne in considering all the possibilities of results of one’s actions which I think why he criticizes Lestat of not seeing the depth of vampire senses, understanding the world. I think when he mentions that killing Freinere would result in Babette’s family falling apart which Lestat does not see Louis is saying although this might be him using Ni as INFPs can use Critical Parent Ni unhealthily as criticizing other people how could you not see this happen. I think it is obvious he does not see the world as objectively as a Se user would which shows it is more likely to be a trickster Se. I think the consensus is right in this one, which makes sense as INFPs are not mostly e5 so for so many to vote for him there must be an obvious difference. An INFP e5 will still not use 5 like an INTP would since they are not analytical but they will put all the Fi values in knowledge and attaining it which fits Louis. They will be still emotional as INFP would be but also a distance will be there due to e5 which makes this a hard combo but it is perfectly possible just rarer. His being able to change his worldview when a new possibility or understanding comes out is more like a Ne-Si user which is how he sometimes is okay in killing people randomly even if he feels guilty later in IWTV. Also he mentions in some part in book he sees not killing humans as a more aesthetic reason like a painter not stealing art like he needs to get there in his own moral reasons seems more like a Ne analogy to me just the was he talks seems to open up new analogies in the book which makes him the unending monologuer that he is, just from a Ne user’s point of view this read to me like that.

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